2021 Events - news from IMAPS Chapters

Although we are operating in strange situations across the world in response to the pandemic, and physical participation is not yet possible, the Chapter leaderships are very aware of their responsibilities to keep you informed and technically updated.
So, while some events have been deferred to later dates, solutions were delivered by Chapters in Europe.
Many events moved to become Online Virtual events. These provided opportunities to participate directly from your home or office, without having to travel.
Events in 2021 and 2022 include:
13th-16th September 2021
EMPC-2021, 53rd Microelectronics and Packaging Conference
The key event of 2021 and the flagship Conference of IMAPS-Europe
IMAPS Nordic hopes that all members, affiliated members, their loved ones and friends are safe in these troubling times. IMAPS Nordic is currently working on organising the next EMPC conference in Gothenburg, Sweden
Let’s make a better year in 2021!
EMPC2021 committee is well prepared for running the conference either as an Online or, if safety allows, Face-to-Face event. We are now awaiting Abstracts to be received latest on January 19th! Please check the Call for papers on www.empc2021.org now and take an opportunity to present your research and innovations. Encourage your colleagues and teams to do the same!
This event will be a stepping stone in recovering academia and industry!
November 2021 Power 2021.
10th-11th March 10th 2022 in Grenoble.
8ème Forum MiNaPAD
The postponement from 2020 to the new dates in March 2022 will be near the school holidays. This compromise is both technical, to keep the maximum conferences of the initial program and the maximum number of exhibitors, and financial since the Grenoble region postpones its grant until the beginning of 2022 (reduced entry will be offered to students)
EMPC-2023, 54th Microelectronics and Packaging Conference
Will be held in September 2023 in Cambridge, England and will be organised by IMAPS-UK.