17-19 November - Automotive 21

International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive
AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2021 will bring together in an annual event the Electrical and Elec-tronic specialists, Mechanical and Systems Engineers, and the Information and Commu-nication Technology specialists. The Steering and the Technical Program Committee in-clude experts from the Academic world, As-sociations, Key Industrial Stakeholders and Regulatory Authorities.
1. Hybrid and electric powertrains and emission regulations
2. Energy infrastructures, fuel cells, and batteries
3. Advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving, safety and connectivity
4. Mobility, smart cities, energy grid, and communication networks
5. Power Electronics, Active and Passive Components, sensors and transducers
AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2021 is aimed at an aca-demic and industrial audience, professionals active in automotive, including designers, manufacturers and users of technology, as well as analysts and investors interested in this sec-tor in great development and of high social im-pact. Authors are invited to submit preliminary papers containing a complete description of the proposed technical contribution along with results, suitably framed in the related state of the art. Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Authors are invited to submit their manuscript proposal through the conference website EDAS (https://edas.info/N28221), indicating the track name into the manuscript, and up-loading the file in the specific track folder.
Conference website