Save the date - May 8 2025
Packaging for Medical Electronics Workshop
Packaging for Medical Electronics Workshop
Advanced Technology for Sensors
Due to the high demand and successful workshop held on April 20, 2023, IMAPS Italy will hold a second edition of the event on November 7, 2023.
Additive Manufacturing for Microelectronics. In person event
EMPC 2023 – 24th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference
Organized by IMAPS Italy Additive Technologies for Microelectronics - ONLINE
International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive - ONLINE
23rd Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition - 13th-16th September 2021 - Gothenburg, Sweden
44th IMAPS Poland Conference 2021
Micro/Nano-Electronics Packaging & Assembly, Design and Manufacturing Forum
17th International Conference and Exhibition on Device Packaging - ONLINE
Although we are operating in strange situations across the world in response to the pandemic, and physical participation is not yet possible, the Chapter leaderships wish to keep you informed and technically updated
IMAPS-UK are pleased to announce a Call for Abstracts for MicroTech 2021 on the theme of Heterogeneous Integration – Packaging Future Microsystems. MicroTech 2021 will be held Online on Thursday 25 March 2021.
This Semiconductor Packaging Workshop on Thursday 11 February 2021 brings together an array of electronics packaging experts and practitioners to present a comprehensive review of key Semiconductor Packaging technologies
Evento organizzato da IMAPS UK
Electronics System-Integration Technology Conferences (ESTC). Organized by IEEE-EPS (former CPMT) since 2006
Conferenza Autunnale di IMAPS Germany
International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive
Aperte le candidature per il rinnovo del Direttivo biennio 2018-2019
9th & 10th April Celebrating 50 Years of ISHM / IMAPS in the UK
21st European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference and Exhibition.
15-16 giugno 2017 Politecnico di Torino, sede del Lingotto
IMAPS-UK's next annual conference MicroTech, returns to the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Didcot near Oxford on 16th March 2017
Hi-Rel Products traceability: from Production to End Customer, Status of the Art and Industry 4.0 plan impact.
Edizione n.2. La serie di seminari MST ha lo scopo di riunire ricercatori, professionisti e ingegneri industriali con un interesse per le tecnologie per i sistemi mobili
The premier European event in the field of microelectronics packaging and integration
Convegno Tecnologie Elettriche ed Elettroniche per l'automobile.
Nuovo sito web dell'Associazione. Buona navigazione!
Eventi internazionali organizzati o patrocinati da IMAPS USA
Compila il form e iscriviti ad IMAPS Italy, unisciti alla Community!