12-14 September 23 - EMPC2023
General information
EMPC 2023 – 24th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference - 12-14th September 2023: Abstract submission now open!
It is my pleasure to invite you to join us for the 24th European Microelectronics & Packaging Conference (EMPC-2023) which will be held near Cambridge (United Kingdom), from 12-14 September 2023. We are planning to run EMPC-2023 as an in person event, enabling attendees and exhibitors to network in the spacious surrounds of the Genome Centre.
The conference is dedicated to the latest developments in electronic packaging technologies covering a diverse range of topics including industry trends, integration, new materials, thermal management and sustainable electronics. Look forward to presentations and posters from leading companies and academic institutions on emerging trends in electronics devices and associated technology. This event, which takes place every two years, promises to be a very special occasion with a high-quality technical programme, a large exhibition with many well-known companies and exciting evening events. We will again offer professional development courses (PDCs) with renowned packaging experts on Monday 11th September 2023, the day before the start of the conference.
Submit your abstract now!
If you are interested in presenting a paper or a poster at the conference, please submit an abstract of maximum 500 words through our online system by January 13, 2023. Figures with appropriate captions, and references, can be included, they do not count towards the word limit. The content must be original (previously unpublished), non-confidential and non-commercial. Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format; no other format will be accepted. Please download the Call for Papers here and check our website (www.empc2023.org) for the abstract template and information on the submission process.
Information for sponsors and exhibitors
Sponsoring or exhibiting at EMPC 2023 offers companies and organisations an excellent opportunity to raise their profile in the important field of microelectronic packaging. Check our website for attractive packages.
More information on the conference venue and conference fees can also be found on our website: www.empc2023.org . In case of questions please don't hesitate to contact either myself or our conference office at [email protected] .
I look forward to seeing you at EMPC-2023!
Kind regards,
Prof Anne Vanhoestenberghe
EMPC 2023 Conference Chair